An experienced plastic surgeon, Dr Colin Tham is regularly featured on various media publications to share his insight on key conditions and procedures in the field.
VASER-assisted liposculpture uses state-of-the-art ultrasound technology to gently produce your desired body shape.
Advances in technology have allowed for more refined ways of sculpting the body and face – and to do this with less downtime.
One of the advancements in fat removal is VASER-assisted high-definition liposculpture (VAHDL).
Implants are not the only option to improve the shape and size of breasts. There are other alternatives that are gaining popularity as well.
The eyes are the windows to the soul – so what can be done when age and gravity catch up and your eyes lose their sparkle?
VASERsmooth™ is a new minimally-invasive technique that can smooth out cellulite in just one treatment.
What you need to know about breast enhancement.
Breast augmentation, also known as breast enhancement or augmentation mammoplasty, refers to procedures that enhance the volume and shape of the breasts. It is one of the most requested and frequently performed aesthetic surgery procedures.
When it comes to beauty, it all begins with the eyes. And if you are looking to improve their size, shape or contour, there is a wide range of surgeries available to do so.
Vaser liposelection can deliver a perfectly sculpted body with minimal downtime.
Have you ever been invited to a beach party or a sailing trip only to stare at the invitation card with a sense of dread? For those of us with sagging skin or extra fat, the thought of wearing a bathing suit in public can bring on a cold sweat.
The term, ‘different strokes for different folks’ applies to all types of surgeries. Learn the difference between open and closed rhinoplasty to understand what may be best for you.
Often referred to casually as a ‘nose job’, rhinoplasty is the technical term which encompasses nose surgery. Rhinoplasties may be performed for medical or for cosmetic reasons.
Beyond aesthetics, these procedures are also about correcting physical conditions that require attention.
The use of threads is a non- or minimally-invasive approach to facial tightening, contouring and lifting which originated more than a decade ago. There are many versions of this technique, which can be confusing for the patient. Here’s a simple guide.
Dr Colin Tham continues to hone his craft on the cutting edge of both cosmetic surgery and non-invasive aesthetic procedures. He has special interest in eyelid surgery, breast enhancement, and high-definition liposculpture.
Vaser LipoSelection is a targeted minimally invasive method of removing body fat that promises more refined shaping with a shorter downtime.
EYELID SURGERY IS A COLLECTIVE term that refers to any surgery of the eyelids; the surgery may be medical or cosmetic. Cosmetic eyelid surgery encompasses upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty and some other less common procedures.
FACIAL REJUVENATION USUALLY REFERS to the restoration of a youthful facial appearance. This can be achieved by many methods, either surgical or non-invasive. While there are many types of facial rejuvenative surgery, the most common are upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, facelifts and browlifts as these procedures tend to have the most visible and dramatic effects.
女性接受丰胸的原因各不相同。有的是为了加强自信和自尊;小部分是为了庆祝找到工 作或是改行;有些是因为找到新伴侣;又有些是渴望重新拥有生产前的身材;还有一些女孩是在家长的要求下丰胸。
VASER IS AN ACRONYM THAT STANDS for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. Essentially a third generation ultrasound-assisted liposuction, lipoplasty and liposculpture procedure, “standard” VASER allows for effects similar to traditional liposuction: e.g. body contouring, fat reduction and so on.